Narrative Nonfiction – Get Kids to Read!

These are lists of recommended “narrative nonfiction” titles for all age levels. 

“Narrative nonfiction” is a literary term for a text that presents nonfiction written in fictional style. To accomplish this, the writer pays close attention to elements of plot structure, character development and themes to make the story compelling.

State education standards now emphasize the use of nonfiction, specifically Narrative Nonfiction, to help teach critical thinking skills. Libraries with strong nonfiction collections and open communication with faculty find that they are ready to support full implementation of standards – and succeed! 

This is INTERESTING nonfiction that will be READ!

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Narrative Nonfiction for All Ages

Narrative Nonfiction for All Ages

Beloved Children’s Authors and Classic Children’s Lit

Just like favorite movies, kids enjoy reading and rereading favorite books. These lists show MANY classic book titles, favorite authors – and they series that they wrote. This is a great way to find books that you loved as a child – and now want to share!

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Popular Children’s Series Authors A-L

Popular Children’s Series Authors A-L

Popular Children’s Series/Authors M-Z

Popular Children’s Series/Authors M-Z

Classic Literature for K-8 Kids

Classic Literature for K-8 Kids

Classic YA/Adult Literature Sets

Classic YA/Adult Literature Sets