eBooks and Databases for Library/Classroom Research

So – you want your students to have digital access – But you can’t spend $1000 per year for a database.
CHOOSE library bound books AND digital books specifically for your kids’ classes – and save money!

Educators find that pairing print and eBooks actually enhances literacy skills in the youngest students!


Gumdrop offers both Databases and eBooks that can be easily aligned to classroom research needs.

Click Here for Complete eBook Information


All Gumdrop eBooks are:

Unlimited Multi-User
Unlimited Simultaneous Use
Compatible with any device
Subscription-free with a 5-Year License


Are you thinking about subscribing to a database,
but are balking at the cost – or at being limited to one publisher’s books?
Consider “building your own database” with Gumdrop Scan-n-Go Discovery –
an inexpensive option that gives your students easy access to the research books that YOU SELECT!
Build a selection of eBooks in just the subjects you need – Careers, Animals, Science, Social Studies…

Opening an eBook has never been so easy! With our QR cards, patrons simply scan a QR code with their device and they can get right into the eBook!
When you obtain eBooks from Gumdrop Books, you have this option for your library.

Try it yourself!!

Save even more by purchasing from your favorite publishers!

Read About It Here!!

Also, DJWBookworm will assist you to select appropriate books by subject!
Contact David White ([email protected]) – I’ll help you select,
and where possible share samples with you to aid in your decision.

Contact David here: [email protected]